A casa de Maria

por Joe Tarquinio - EUA

O projeto casa de Maria é um ministério católico fundado pelo padre James Peterson nos EUA, que provê uma vida em grupo em seis casas para homens se recuperarem dos efeitos das drogas e do abuso de álcool, sem prisão ou doenças mentais. O projeto serve a aproximadamente 30-35 homens por dia por um período mínimo de 90 dias dando tratamento para drogas e álcool, aconselhamento individual e em grupo e moradia. O projeto funciona juntamente com o AA (Alcoólicos Anônimos) e NA (Narcóticos Anônimos).

No dia 19 de abril de 2007, os homens da comunidade estavam retornando para a casa após suas orações. Quando dirigiam pela estrada, notaram fumaça vindo do treiler próximo a casa de Maria. Um dos homens correu até o treiler e disse aos outros para pegarem os extintores de incêndio. Ele quebrou a fechadura, balançou a porta e a jogou no chão. A fumaça saiu pela porta e as chamas saíram pela janela quebrada. Enquanto alguns homens usavam os extintores de incêndio do lado de fora do treiler, um dos homens chamou os bombeiros e a mim. Eles disseram: "Joe, o treiler está em chamas e eu estou com medo que a casa de Maria pegue fogo também. Todos os homens estão do lado de fora e os bombeiros estão a caminho."

Eu dirigi até a casa e visualizava-a em chamas e o projeto da casa de Maria send mudado para sempre. Quando dirigia na estrada vi os caminhões e os bombeiros. O treiler foi seriamente prejudicado mas a casa de Maria não teve avarias. O chefe dos bombeiros me disse que os residentes que se jogaram para o chão poderiam ter sofrido sérias queimaduras ou inalado fumaça quente. Ele disse que poderíamos ter perdido a casa se os bombeiros tivessem demorado mais 5 minutos. Ele enfatizou: "Seus rapazes são realmente sortudos". No outro dia o padre Peterson ao ouvir o que os bombeiros disseram sorriu e disse: "Nós sempre estamos sob a proteção de Maria."

Uma semana depois um grupo dos residentes me mostrou algumas fotos que tiraram durante o fogo. Eles queriam ver a minha reação a uma das fotos. Estava óbvio para mim e a muitos outros que uma foto colorida das chamas era a foto de Nossa Senhora com Seus braços estendidos. Realmente era o projeto Casa de Maria !

Contatos pelo email: joerose425@adelphia.net.

retirado do jornal Spirit of Medjugorje - Março/2008 - www.spiritofmedjugorje.org

Em inglês:

Maria House

                                                                                                           By Joe Tarquinio

In Msgr. Peterson’s absence this month, I asked Joe Tarquinio, the administrator of Maria House Project, to explain a little about Father’s (he prefers to be called “Father”) ministry and to share a story.

   Maria House Project (MHP) is a ministry, founded by Msgr. James Peterson, which provides group living in six houses for men recovering from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, long term imprisonment, homelessness and/or mental illness. MHP serves approximately 30-35 men per day for a minimum of 90 days providing them drug and alcohol treatment, individual and group counseling, education and housing.

   All of the men are in recovery and most have been incarcerated which has caused them to be alienated by their family, friends and the community. MHP’s program provides the opportunity for spiritual growth in conjunction with AA & NA meetings, community living, work therapy, individual and group counseling, and an educational program to help the  men in their recovery and eventual return to the community. The program promotes a sense of the resident community helping each other in their recovery. 

   On April 19th 2007, the men were returning to the Lodge (the orientation house) after the last session of “Life in the Spirit.” As they drove up the driveway, they noticed smoke coming from the office trailer adjacent the Lodge. One of the men ran to the trailer and told the others to get the fire extinguishers. As he broke the lock, the door swung open and knocked him to the ground. Smoke poured out of the door and flames escaped from the broken window. While some of the men used fire extinguishers on the outside of the trailer, one of the other men called the fire department and me.  He said, “Joe, the trailer is on fire and I am afraid the Lodge is going to catch fire too. All of the men are outside and the fire company is on its way.”

   As I drove to the Lodge, I envisioned the Lodge being burnt to the ground and MHP’s program being changed forever. When I drove up the driveway, I saw the fire trucks and firemen. The trailer was seriously damaged but the Lodge was not disturbed. The Fire Chief told me that the resident, who had been pushed to the ground, could have sustained serious injury or death had he inhaled the hot smoke. He also said we would have lost the Lodge if the fire department would have arrived five minutes later or if there would have been any kind of breeze.  He remarked, “You guys are really lucky.” The next day, I told Father Peterson what the fireman had said. Father smiled and said, “We have always been under Mary’s protection.”

   A week later a group of residents showed me pictures that one of the residents had taken during the fire. They wanted to see my reaction to the picture. It was obvious to me and many others that the color picture of the flame is the side view of Mary with her arms extended.

   I guess I now realize why we call the program Maria House Project.

Editor’s note: You can contact Joe about Maria House Projects at joerose425@adelphia.net.